Why Choose Us?

We’re not a .COM selling an antiquated product
We’re an .Organization building tools for your business to succeed in the Smartphone economy

  • With our Patent Pending Customized templates we can guarantee better deliverability, an increase in your subscriber open rates and real subscriber engagement calculated not just in clicks but in duration too
  • 1 for 1 - For each new Member who signs up we’ll provide free Membership to a Non-Profit 501c3 charity with less than 5000 email addresses serving our communities
  • We charge a flat rate on a quarterly basis for unlimited use. No Hidden Fees, No Hassle! We’re committed to grow your lists and your business, NOT your bill
  • List management, deliverability and engagement are guaranteed to improve and your Opt-In lists will grow organically
  • We provide straight forward honest analytics so we can learn what works and what doesn’t

Membership has more than privileges, it offers new opportunities and peace of mind

If it’s FREE, you are the product, don’t be sold!

Our Templates, Designs & Benefits

  • Our templates simplify the promotion of the 3 areas your customers are most concerned: Your marketing content, your social presence and WIIFM (what’s in it for me?)
  • Automated Subject line assistance & strength meter
  • Free Surveys, Gift Cards & Coupons, very green, fully automated with easy to read and track statements
  • Engagement section with up to 17 Calls to Action (CTA)
  • Embedded audio – voice over’s, celebrity endorsements or background music keeps your customer on message longer
  • Embedded Suggestion Box icon for subscriber feedback, advice & ideas
  • Sponsored apps in the engagement section may generate ancillary revenue for your business with each campaign sent

Our templates and your campaigns are designed to be shared and we guarantee they will be

Our Pricing Model

Pay for Results, not time

  • We charge a quarterly fee for unlimited use and storage
    • Private/Public website landing page
    • Campaign Photos and archives
    • Customized welcome letter and menu (restaurants)
    • Private Adovation email account, professional address
  • Guarantees a higher ROI (Return on Investment) in both reduced time spend and money spent

Great People, Expert Help & Trusted, 7 Days a Week

  • Professional Resources and Independent Solutions at Your Fingertips
  • Marketing Solutions
  • Photography: Free & Purchased
  • Computer Graphics & Design

Get Started Fast - There’s No Obligation

Do It Yourself (DIY)
Or, We’ll Do it For you. No Extra Charge!

Plus, Live Coaching on

Absolutely Included

List Management

  • Opt-In website code makes it easy to add subscribers to one or all your lists
  • Double Opt-In requirements ensure compliance with CANSPAM law
  • Automatically delete Opt-Outs, bounces and inactive addresses
  • Subscribers can choose their email preferences: Daily, weekly monthly etc. to reduce your unsubscribes
  • Easy to import new subscribers or lists
  • Segment your lists easily
  • Target subscribers by preferences, purchases, demographics and more


  • Patent pending technology that substantially improves deliverability
  • Scheduled send-time indicator to improve open rates
  • Automatic alerts on pending send to avoid costly mistakes


According to Litmus, a Leading E-mail Testing Pioneer, Open Rates for the Average E-mail Campaign Hovers Around 19% and 50% of Those Opened Are Deleted In 2 Seconds. Would You Call That Engaging?
The Industry Sure Does!

  • Our templates offer 3 levels (content, social and info & entertainment) to engage your customers with each campaign
  • 17 proven “Call to Action“ icons PULL customers into your message for greater engagement
  • With embedded audio in your email campaigns, customers will stay on message longer

Industry Leading Analytics

  • Measure the opened duration of each email that has been opened & viewed (engaged with) down to the second
  • Proprietary algorithm detailing Call to Action (CTA) click count, frequency change, adds, bounce backs unsubs and Opt-Outs to measure true engagement rates as a percentage
  • We report the number of times your email has been shared with others using our Opt-In feature which we guarantee will increase

Bonus Features

  • An Online Customizable Menu page
  • White label packages coming soon
  • Professional custom email address
  • Customizable introduction or welcome letter
  • Customer pictures uploaded and suggestion box comments can be publically viewed by other customers
  • An Event Calendar

And, Of course

We’ll have 100’s of templates to choose from just like everyone else

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It has never been easier

Just Point, Click, Edit & send.
