
Email :

Subject Lines:

17 Tips & Best Practices for Writing Catchy Email Subject Lines

Some good ideas!

Open Rates:

Why You Should Care About Canada's Anti-Spam Laws

A clean list is a good list! "There's little point emailing people who have no interest in your communications."

Google Just Made It Drop Dead Simple To Unsubscribe From Emails You Don't Want

A clean list is good business. Don't SPAM!

Growing Your Lists:

When Email Met Social: A Romantic Comedy

Discussing the need to "ask" your customers to SHARE your message with their Social Circle. Easy read.

Single Opt-In vs. Double Opt-In: The Case for DOI

If you want to build your brand you should do so in an ethical manner! A smaller list with higher engagement is hands down better than a large list of people wouldn't take the time to click yes, I want this information. Don't lower your standards to increase your average!

Single Opt-In vs. Double Opt-In: The Case for SOI

When you lower your standards to raise your average you effectively quit trying to stand out of the crowd.


Marketing Buzzwords - Complete Nonsense

Interesting read! Love the phrase "Value Exchange" & it's really the DNA behind Adovation.

10 Top Tips to a Tip Top Email

Worth a look & consideration.


This is a 3 part series on open rate, subscribe/unsubscribe rate, and click-through-rate. Note: this is only data for email newsletters, not transactional emails.

E-mail Predictions:

98% Email Open Rates? Video Tips

Is Email Marketing Dead Among Younger Demographics?

I don't predict it'll be replaced anytime soon. We'll see!


15 Companies That Send the Most Email Spam

Reason enough to block every one of them!


Bulk Senders Guidelines

Always good to brush up on the rules.

Local & Mobile:

Mobile Advertising Trends:

Escaping the Digital Media 'Crap Trap.'

More evidence the making of content is king!

3 Tactics Mobile Marketers Should Focus on and Why

It's 3 years July since Mark Zuckerberg said FB was going 100% mobile first strategy and saved the stock from going single digits. These guys are just now catching on? WOW!!!

AdBlock Plus is Set to Reach 1 Billion Downloads

This wouldn't be an issue if anyone listened!

Ad Blocking Firm Unceremoniously Dumped From Ad Industry Conference

IAB should be careful here!

Mobile is Growing Faster Than All Other Ad Formats

The comment section is worth noting. Very astute!

Online Advertising Is Threatening an Open Internet

If it's free you are the product. Demand better advertising that's important in your life or face the ultimate death of a free and open Internet.

The Ad Blocking Controversy, Explained

And the hits just keep on coming.

Viacom and Snapchat Enter a Multi Year Advertising Deal

Let the games begin.

Snapchat Sharpens Its Advertising Strategy

Let the games begin!

The Incoming Mobile Disrupter - No More Ads

Hard to imagine this works.

Silicon Valleys Business Model is in Jeopardy as Wireless Carriers Start Blocking Online Ads

Just China for now but later? Unlikely!

Lord & Taylor, FTC Settle Native Ad Dispute

If you have to resort to tricks you need to rethink your strategy! Otherwise you're just destroying the user experience for a short term gain!

REPORT: Ad fraud is 'second only to the drugs trade' as a source of income for organized crime

50 Large huh? You'd think someone would try to find the root cause. Well, someday! LOL

Facebook's New Ad Tools Track Retail Store Visits and Purchases

Remember kids, if it's free YOU are the product!

Facebook Is Paying Millions to News Outlets and Celebrities to Create Live Video

Hmmmm. Let's see. They are paying for content so more people will view said content and they can charge adverts more for the DAU's etc. Sounds shady to me. You be the judge.

Gannett snags ReachLocal for $156 million

CONSOLIDATION!!!!It's not always good!

Smartphone users have spoken and they're annoyed by these mobile ads

How to shoot oneself in the foot!

Why ad blocking is coming soon to a mobile device near you

Like it or not it's coming!Get better or die trying!

App Store Issues:

A Battle for the Future for the App Store is Brewing

Let's see how this plays out

App Downloads:

New Regulations to Protect Kids Is Driving Change In the Mobile App Industry

This is worth watching!

Native Ads:

FTC Guidelines on Native Ads to Prevent Deception

It's all decepetive! Bottom line is: if you have to try and fool people to read or engage you are practicing deception.

Are FTC Native Ad Guidelines the First Step Towards Regulation?

Oh what a tangled web we weave....!


The Ways That Apple's New Privacy Settings In IOS 10 will Impact Mobile Ads

Only 14% have adjusted their settings for limit Ad tracking? Hmmmm.

Mobile Apps:

Restaurants: Why your app isn't appealing to your customer base

I fear this isn't just restaurants!

Scams & Viruses:

The Two Faces of Facebook

I'm not shocked at all are you?

Marketing Innovation:


Neuroscientists Pinpoint 3 Irresistible Impulses That Influence Everything We Buy

It's always good to think outside the box!

Multi Channel Networks:

There’s No Such Thing as an MCN. It’s a Figment of Your Imagination

Wel, I may dispute tis but it's worth a read.

Location Data:

The Downside to Location Data

Sponsored content but still interesting to read and understand.

Digital Advertising:

IAB Outlines 7 Strategies for Dealing With Ad Blocking

These guys just don't get it do they?

Business Development:

Content Marketing - Without a Plan You're Up a Creek

Great advice. Read between the lines.

Millennial Marketing:

Retailers Are Alienating The Most Import Customers - And It's Killing Business

Careful what you wish for!

Why Engagement and Monetization Will Be the Next Big Thing in 2016

I think we've been saying this. I'm just glad they're starting to come around.

60 Teenagers Reveal What They Think is Cool and What Isn't - 2016

As much as things change things never really change.

You'll Be Able to Shop on Snapchat Soon

How am I supposed to make a purchase decision in seconds before it disappears? We'll see!

Pinterest launches new ad targeting tools, including visitor retargeting

Interesting read. Especially since Evan Spiegel claimed ad revenue was mostly VC funded and due to crash. I like his pivot!

Research: Mobile ads take twice as long to load as desktop ads

And we pay for it in more ways than one!

Snapchat ads coming down in cost, thanks to API

$750,000 to $100,000? I guess Mom & Pop have no chance here!

Unicorn Alert Leaderboard:

CrunchBase Unicorn Leaderboards

Check out how ridiculous these valuations have become and how close we are to the 9th inning. Folks, it's beyond OVER!

Silicon Valley's Bubble Is Bursting

Titanic anyone? How many passengers vs lifeboats?

Bill Gates Reportedly Talked Microsoft Out of Bidding 8 Billion Dollars for Slack

Gee! I wonder why?

'Slack is Raising $200 Million at Nearly $4 Billion Valuation'

What number was this on the Leader board? Safe to say it's moving up a notch or two!

Start Up's 101:

Startup Business Failure Rates by Industry

These stats are scary! Make sure you are emotionally prepared to start a business. These stats prove it's more than just cash flow.

Website Design:

30 Call to Action Examples You Can't Help but Click

Some good ideas, double check your site and compare with these Pro's.

Social Media:

Trending Issues:

Millions of Young People Are Flocking Away From Social Media

Everything is cyclical, at least FB has VR to fall back on!

Instagram's Interaction Rate Dropped 40% in 2015

Ooops! 19 Billion out! Well played FB. Drunken sailors with shareholder funds. This will end badly!

Why Facebook Prefers Native over 'Valueless' Banner Ads

It took em this long to discover Banner Ads are 'Valueless?' Hahaha and this company has a market cap of 318 billion?

Lead Generation:

12 of the Best Facebook Post Ideas for Facebook Lead Generation

You had me Hubspot right up to #11. The rest is worth reading.


Snapchat is in talks to buy a search startup for over $100 million

Hmmm,let's see! A 5 year old company that raised 10 million is selling itself to Snapchat for 25 million in cash and 75 million in stock (still private) with a 5 year retainer worth 75 million to the founder? Sounds like he got an insiders deal aka Puddy
